Thursday, November 4, 2021

Roller Girl

From my school library. I think I've probably read almost all of their (very small) graphic novel selection at this point.

Title: Roller Girl
Publisher: Scholastic
Date: 2015
Writer: Victoria Jamieson
Artist: Victoria Jamieson

When her mom takes her on a surprise excursion to broaden her cultural horizons (in the best possible way!), twelve-year-old Astrid is introduced to roller derby. And it is the coolest thing ever. I mean, it is, but that is also what Astrid comes to realize. And we're off and rolling.

This is a middle school friendship story, and a sports story, and it follows most of the tropes, including the sticking-with-a-lie-for-way-too-long that pervades these stories. And none of that matters. Because roller derby. And some really great character interactions in a story that just has so much heart.

This was lovely and quirky and fun all the way through.
