Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bonus Review: Superman: The Story of the Man of Steel

Borders had some graphic novels marked down to $1 tonight, so I bought a few to sell online (I sell books on, if you would like to buy some, you can check them out here). This was a quick read, so I figured I'd throw it in as a bonus review before I head to bed tonight. Since it didn't fit in the scanner, you get a photo of the book in my work area. You're welcome to try to see what other geeky stuff you can spot in the background.

Title: Superman: The Story of the Man of Steel
Date: 2009
Publisher: Viking (in collaboration with DC Comics)
Writer: Ralph Cosentino
Art: Ralph Cosentino

A very nice hardcover graphic novel treatment of Superman's origin story for young readers. There's not too much new here (Bizarro breathes fire, apparently! Whod thunk?), but the illustrations, done in the style of DC's animated features, is a nice treat in this format.

The origin is nicely told, although the laundry list of villains at the end comes off as a bit silly, although probably necessary as a scorecard for the young target-audience readers who may be new to the animated shows or the comics.

As a straight-up retelling of a generally familiar story, this volume is pretty effective.

Rating: 7/10

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