Sunday, January 12, 2014

Greenblooded: An Introduction To Eco-Friendly Feminine Hygiene

Something tells me I am not the target audience.

Okay, and with that, I am now done with all joking around about the fact that I am a guy and I am reading and reviewing this book. If you are disappointed with that, then probably there is some getting over of yourself that needs to happen.

Title: Green Blooded: An Introduction To Eco-Friendly Feminine Hygiene
Publisher: Bella Razor Press
Date: 2009
Writer: Cathy Leamy
Artist: Cath Leamy

Cathy Leamy takes on the ecology of feminine hygiene products, a manufactured and disposable item used by half of the population for decades of their lives.Most guides to living a greener or more sustainable life barely touch this topic. Fortunately, this comic his here to help.

Includes a convenient illustrate review of the biology of the menstrual cycle, which was basic, but helpful to me. This is followed by a discussion of the environmental issues surrounding the common products currently in use (in the US, at least), followed by an exploration of the alternatives. She finishes up with a discussion of what the options are for minimizing environmental impact when still using disposable products.

 As always with her books, Cathy Leamy has a wonderful positive tone to her writing. I also loved the variety of women that were used in the illustrations. There were some great touches of humor here, and the information was delivered in a concise and easy-to-understand form. The book was a bit text-heavy and a lot of the illustrations were small, but this was mostly a function of the amount of information to be covered.

Rating: 7.5/10

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