Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Day Comic Challenge Day 13

Day 13 - A Book You’ve Read More Than Five Times.

'm not lucky enough to own the original printing, but I've read Amazing Fantasy #15 many, many times in various reprint editions. It was one of the first comic book stories I read as a kid when I used to pour over my copy of Marvel's Origins of Super-Heroes (along with the classic collections Son of Origins, Bring on the Bad Guys, Marvel's Greatest Superhero Battles and The Superhero Women). I've read it as recently as a couple of years ago when early issues of Spider-Man were reprinted as part of a newspaper promotion.

What makes the Spider-Man origin great is that the character doesn't just gain super-powers. Peter Parker goes through a transformation of character through a tragic lesson that takes him from being a normal teenager who's looking out for number one just like everyone else to a character who truly feels a calling to do good with the gifts he's been given. It's the change in the character of Peter Parker that really makes the origin of Spider-Man resonate. Compare it to the Fantastic Four: They start out as a group of adventure-seekers who are trying to do good for humanity even before they get their powers. Peter Parker's story is the story about a young man who makes a terrible mistake and has the courage to decide he's going to try to do better in the world. Most of us can relate to that in some way.

From My Creations

I Believe is a quick read. It's just a little collection of things that cats believe in. Gynn did it as a 24-hour comic and it was published in the 24-Hour Comic Day 2005 anthology. We sell the minicomic for $1. It's Dandelion Studios' best-selling product. I've read it dozens of times. Sometimes you just need some cats in your life.

The 30 Day Comic Challenge Page on Facebook is here. Here is the complete list of daily topics:

30 Day Comic Challenge
Day 01 - Your first comic book.
Day 02 - Your favorite character.
Day 03 - A comic that is underrated.
Day 04 - Your guilty pleasure comic or character.
Day 05 - Comic character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 06 - Most annoying character.
Day 07 - Favorite comic couple.
Day 08 - Best series being published right now.
Day 09 - Most touching comic book/comic book scene.
Day 10 - Dream versus match.
Day 11 - Favorite comic book cartoon series.
Day 12 - A comic everyone should read.
Day 13 - A book you’ve read more than five times.
Day 14 – Most awesome single comic book image
Day 15 - A Picture from the comic you’re reading right now.
Day 16 - Funniest comic book/comic book scene.
Day 17 - Most useless Villain.
Day 18 - Favorite B-list character.
Day 19 - Comic book city/universe you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite super power or skill.
Day 21 - Favorite writer.
Day 22 - A series that you liked but stopped reading
Day 23 - Your favorite artist.
Day 24 - Dream character team up.
Day 25 - A book you plan on reading.
Day 26 - A comic you wish they would make into a movie.
Day 27 - Favorite comic book movie.
Day 28 - Favorite comic publisher.
Day 29 - A comic you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite run or series of all time.

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